Worried about converting ETH to Binance Coin? Whether you are a new user or not, here is a simple guide on how to convert ETH to Binance Coin easily
- Login to your account or create a Changelly account
- Select Ethereum in the conversion window and BNB, then enter the number of coins you want to trade.
- Choose whether you want to exchange these currencies at fixed or floating rates.
- Enter your BNB wallet id.
- You will be shown a wallet address and the exact amount of money you need to send. Do it in a single transaction.
- That’s it! After that, it’s over. Now you can enjoy your new BNB.
get verified to swap ETH to BNB is necessary ?
Yes, you need to be verified first. You will not be able to trade ETH and BNB or any digital currency on any online site unless you complete the verification process. You must present valid documents and/or government-issued proof of identity in the form of passports, driver’s licenses,s and any ID accepted by the venue.
You will also receive a unique code by e-mail and by telephone. You must use this code to prove that you own the email address and phone number.
What is the minimum trade amount of the ETH/BNB pair?
Currently, the minimum conversion amount for the pair is 0.1 ETH per 0.7363 Binance Coin. Please note that this amount may change from time to time. Cryptocurrency is very volatile, so the price of any coin can suddenly fluctuate rapidly. In addition, prices can also be affected by transaction fees on the website. There are fixed and variable conversion fees on Changelly. Other external factors such as market volume can also influence the price.
What are the fees for converting ETH to BNB? This depends on the website and the currency you want to convert. The exchange rate type you choose (fixed or floating) also increases the total.
If you choose a floating exchange rate, you will only be charged a small €0.25 on Changelly.
Can I exchange ETH for BNB on Changelly?
You can also trade other currencies such as ETH Gas alongside ETH and Binance Coin (BNB). Changelly offers both its desktop site and mobile app for this experience. You can trade with a favorable fixed or variable interest rate. Monitor forex price movements and trade in one place.
How to trade ETH to BNB
- To trade ETH to BNB, you must first download the Binance app and create an account.
- Then deposit your BNB in your BNB wallet on Binance and navigate to the Convert page.
- There are no trading fees on Binance
- In other words, there are no fees when you trade one cryptocurrency for another
- However, there will be a margin, meaning the cryptocurrencies you trade will be higher than the price of the market.