NASDAQ AIRG stock facts

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Airgain Inc. Manufacture the antenna products for the equipment. As well as, they manufacture the high-quality antenna to provide services worldwide. The company was started in 1995, or it is a San Diego based company.

Here you can better know about the process of price forecast of AirGain Inc. In terms of ranking, AirGain Inc. comes on the position of the 8th percentile. It would help if you did not worry about the conservative analyses of the company that suggests the stock. It might be a potential short opportunity for all investors.

  • The depth of the company is measured by earning that is divided by the interest payment, which can be the best thing.
  • It has a compound free cash flow rate that is measured over the 3.4 Years. The percentage of the company is not higher than only 10.26.26 stocks in the dcf forecasting.
  • AirGain Inc. It has an effective tax rate that is measured by the payment of tax or relevant to the net income.

Stock summary

  • Before you start investing in NASDAQ: AIRG at, you must know about the stock summary.
  • The price of 12-month operating cash flow is about 37.9,whichis higher than 9.0 % of US stocks, or it comes with positive operating cash flow.
  • The ratio of damped operating expenses for AirGain Inc. is higher, about only 0.36 percent.
  • The equity multiplier of AirGain Inc. or is measured based on shareholders’ equity. As well it is greater than 9462 % of US stocks.
  • The towns of stocks are very that is based on the financial statements, price volatility, or market capitalization.
  • You can see AirGain Inc. filing here or visit the official website of AirGain Inc.


Those who want to invest in NASDAQ: AIRG, You can know about the stocks rating history table. Right now, the percentage of NASDAQ: AIRG Is increased, or it is about 13.58%.It could be beneficial for you to invest in the stock market, or you can purchase the stocks of AirGain Inc.

Analysis chart

You do a quick review of the historical analysis chart of AirGain Inc.  Here you can better know about the actual pricing of stock products of this company. As well, you make a wise decision to purchase the products of the stock company. According to the chart, it can be beneficial for all the investors to invest in the NASDAQ: AIRG currently.

Watch the featured post of AirGain Inc.

One should check the latest posts or filing NASDAQ: AIRG stock. This will speak about the current amount of stockthat you can check from stock trading platforms. Disclaimer: The analysis information is for reference only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.

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